Dating In Your 50s Easy For Men Not So Much For Women!

I would rather live a painful truth than a happy delusion. Seems the few women I have talked to in past years did not want to know me, they seemed more interested in how much I make and what I can do for them. A woman in her 50s who wants more than sex probably needs to seek a widower. I think its a good idea to be open minded and talk about turn ons and turn offs early on. During the “sort of fun” months, how much cash did you spend on him? I’m just trying to get an idea of what these couple of months cost you financially.

It is very tough if you’re an affectionate person; when you want to express yourself in a certain way and can’t. We are talking about erotic relationships here, not friendship or “companionship”. I would never seek or accept an erotic relationship with a woman because I am simply not interested in women sexually. This is coming from a younger woman who accidently stumbled upon this site. All older men and “charming” men should realize that women in their 20s and 30s are not looking for them for long term partnering.

So go back out to the bars and start chatting to the gal standing next to you that you are assuming is in her 30’s, you might be surprised to find out she’s closer to your age. The current guy I’m dating in person. Not sure where we’ll end up in 6 more months, just trying to enjoy his company and not think of the future. Nothing I ever planned ever worked out anyway, so I don’t “plan” much anymore, just trying to enjoy life one week at a time.

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It seems to me that this would solve most of the problem. You will find someone if you stay positive and take good care of yourself. It doesn’t matter that you have young kids…I know a dad in his fifties with two young daughters which he had custody of because the mother was sadly mentally ill. He is remarried to a lovely younger woman and their family has now grown to four children.

After my own divorce, I was out of practice dating to say the least! I hadn’t had a date with anyone besides my husband for 35+ years! When the sobbing and screaming phase of your divorce recovery is over, slowly start interacting again with safe family and friends.

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Now that I am here, he is getting fit, but he is looking for love elsewhere. I realize I have standards but they are not money or status related. I just want a good guy with integrity and respect for others, willing to make me as important in his life as he’d be in mine.

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And a big change to see in attitudes in just one year. I tried Zoosk because I heard it was better for older people. In my profile, I said that I wasn’t looking for drama, just looking for somebody with similar interests.

And since I’ve been around the block several times I’m pretty confident that I can weed out the “dandelions” no matter how good looking…. As for how we indicate distance for our members, this is something that we’re talking a lot about right now. Some of our members have told us categorically that they don’t like their city name appearing on their profiles, and they feel very passionate about this. On the other hand, many others want to see where someone lives as location is so very important to them.

The last gal I had a relationship with was attractive but was bigger than average. Didn’t matter to me and though she wasn’t happy with her body I told her she was sexy (she was!!) and the sexiest thing about her was that she loved and wanted me. Totally killed me when she ended our relationship BTW. 🙁 I don’t agree with the article and the assumption it is easier for men to date in their 50’s versus women.

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If I lived near you I am sure we would have some great laughs. I wish you well and hope you find love again. Lol, just happened to come across your post on this blog I visit periodically. I am a woman in my 50’s and partially agree with you.

My first husband died when I was 40, and I had just started having children with him. And then I met somebody 10 years later, and then he died in 18 months. And then I did finally remarry somebody else.

I found someone and we dated for a year. She was younger and very good looking. I had to break up with her, I wanted it to work out. The more I got to know her and after I started to take down the blinders. I realized that she had a ton of issues beyond my control.

I really hope you find someone who isn’t selfish and who will respect you. Sorry, Dave, that you’ve been treated so poorly. You sound like one of the good guys. Of course attraction, chemistry, etc. is important. I agree that physical compatibility is necessary for a lasting relationship. Now What – Studies have shown that once a man hits age 35 or so, for the rest of his life he subconsciously envisions himself about 15 years younger than he really is.

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